Terms and conditions of the competition
Article 1 - Organization
The company LR Web Business whose head office is at 7 rue de la Grange Laidt 79000 Niort, below called "Candymix" organizes a game with obligation to buy entitled "Big KDO of the month" of the March 10, 2025 to March 31, 2025 included. The competition begins on 03/10 at 12:01 am.
We invite you to carefully read this regulation that governs your participation in the game. By participating in the game, you accept these rules without reservation.
Article 2 - Participants
Participation in the game is open to any adult natural person not being legal incapacity, and fulfilling the following cumulative conditions (hereinafter the "participant"):
- Be major
- Order
Cannot participate directly or indirectly involved in the organization, the realization, the implementation, the promotion and the animation of the game. Are excluded, the corporate agents and the staff members (managers, employees, administrators and occasional employees, or not employees) of Candymix. As well as their family members in direct line.
Each participant acknowledges that the data he communicates to Candymix for the purposes of his participation in the game are exact and are proof of identity. Candymix reserves the right to request any participant to justify these conditions. Anyone who does not fulfill these conditions or refusing to justify them will be excluded from the game and cannot, in the event of a gain, benefit from the lot.
Article 3 - Principle and modality of the game and designation of the winners
3.1 Terms of participation:
The game is free and with purchase obligation: only natural persons who bought on the Candymix site by making an order. Participation is carried out upon receipt of the order. The purchase of a monthly box alone does not give the possibility of participating in the competition.
The same participant (same name, same first name, same email address) can be the author of several participations during the duration of the game (as many times as orders made).
Any participation by mail, telephone, email or fax is excluded. Just as any participation not in accordance with the characteristics set out above will not be taken into account.
3.2 Designation of the winner:
The winner is therefore a customer who has made an order and who was drawn. The winners will have to come forward to Candymix by contacting him by email: info@candymix.fr
The winner will be drawn in and will be contacted by email (info@candymix.fr).
If the winner does not manifest himself by 04/14/2025 included, or that it manifests itself too late, the lot will be put into play in a competition on Instagram or on Tiktok.
Article 4 - Endowments
4.1 According to the provisions of article 3, the endowments of the game are as follows:
- 4 (four) Candy Bucket, a 3.5kg bundle worth € 69.99 (sixty nine euros and ninety -nine cents)
4.2 Once allocated to the winners, the lot is personal, not transferable, not convertible into cash and non -refundable. If the winning does not want or can take possession of its prize, no compensation will take place.
4.2 The lots that will require a shipment will be sent by post, home delivery with Colissimo. Any indication of identity or erroneous address, or lack of response will lead to the cancellation of the gain.
Candymix cannot be held responsible in the event of non-removal of gain in the case of an information error communicated during the completion of the order. In the event that the email is sent to an address communicated by the customer and which does not exist.
Article 5 - Responsibility
5.1 Candymix cannot be held responsible if, for any reason and/or in the event of force majeure, the game were to be shortened, modified, postponed or canceled; And this without any compensation being due to the participants.
5.2 Candymix cannot be held responsible if, for a reason independent of his will, technical dysfunctions, computer bugs or any other technical problem impact (in) the good progress of the game. The complainants could then claim no endors.
5.3 Candymix reserves the right to stop, extend, modify or cancel this game at any time without participants being able to claim any compensation.
5.4 All cases not provided for in these regulations will be decided by Academy of Taste whose decisions are final.
5.5 In addition, Candymix's responsibility cannot be retained in the event of delivery problems or loss of postal or electronic mail.
5.6 The lots allocated to the winners cannot give rise to any dispute of any kind and cannot in any case be exchanged at the request of the winners against their value in cash or against any other endowment for any reason whatsoever. The lot cannot be replaced by another lot or poured in the form of money.
5.7 Any incomplete information or contact details, erroneous or in violation of the rules, will lead to the nullity of the participation and the participant concerned cannot therefore be eligible for the gain of the endowment put into play as part of the game.
5.8 Any participation must be loyal: it is rigorously prohibited, by any process whatsoever, to modify or try to modify the proposed game devices, in particular in order to modify the results.
5.9 Candymix reserves the right to cancel at any time and without notice the participation of any participant who would not have complied with the regulations.
5.10 It is rigorously forbidden for the same natural person to play for the benefit of another person as herself.
5.11 Candymix reserves the right to exclude from the game anyone who would have disturbed the smooth running.
Article 6 - Regulation and applicable law
6.1 Participation in this game implies complete and unreserved acceptance of these regulations. Participation in this game is immediate as soon as the customer place an order. Because in doing so, he becomes a winner of one of the golden tickets won hidden in the command. However, the winner has no obligation to participate, since he reserves the right not to claim his gain.
6.2 The law applicable to this game is French law. If all or part of these conditions of participation is declared invalid or incapable by a jurisdiction or competent authority, the other provisions will continue to apply. Any dispute born on the occasion of this game will be the subject of an amicable settlement attempt. Any dispute for which the parties would not succeed in an amicable agreement will be subject to the competent French courts.
6.3 The regulations of the game will be available on the website www.candymix.fr It may be communicated to anyone who will request it to the following address: Candymix - LR Web Business - Candyticket de Noël - 7 rue de la Grange Laidet - 79000 Niort
Article 7 - Intellectual property
The reproduction, representation or exploitation of all or part of the elements making up the game are strictly prohibited. All brands or names of products mentioned are brands or names of products deposited by their respective owners.
Done in Niort, 03/09/2025