LIVRAISON OFFERTE dès 59€ d'achat en Mondial Relay, profites-en !

CODE PROMO NEW10 : -10% de réduction 📣

-10% sur ta première commande ✨


Exceeded DDM, damaged products, small manufacturing defects, end of series, seasonal products... In France, 10 million tonnes of food products are thrown away every year! 😥

As the government indicates: “Provided that their packaging has not been altered, foods whose MBD has been exceeded can be consumed without risk by the consumer several months after the displayed date”

At CandyMix, we therefore decided of save these products from the trash ! They're still good and much cheaper, so why deprive yourself of them? 🥰

Discover our anti-waste products and treat yourself with inexpensive candies , American products at low prices. ..